Credits Game Design: Reiner Knizia Illustration: Odang from Dimidium Graphic Design: Eva dream Editing: Marco Jung, Tylor Kim Producing: Marco Jung ⓒDr. Reiner Knizia. 2022. All rights reserved. Published by Mandoo Games. The boss is about to retire. As one of his leutnants, you need to take over the reins of the family. But you’re not alone in this race... Gather as many minions as possible to show that you are a true leader, and try to have the minions of the other leutnants join your cause. Don’t be too power-hungry though, as it would displease the boss – he could even get rid of you with a bomb! How far will you go to take his place? Each round, players reveal a Warning card that displays a particular dice combination or threshold. Each player chooses any number of their dice and rolls them. Your goal is to obtain the highest result without triggering the combination indicated on the card. The player who manages to do that wins the round and gains the dice rolled by all players. At the end of the game, the player with the most dice wins. Components Goal of the Game 36 Gang dice 42 Gang tokens 4 Screens 18 Warning cards 12 cards 6 cards Setting up the Game ➊ Each player receives one Screen and sets it up in front of themselves. Return any remaining Screens to the box. ➋ Set aside 6 Gang tokens. NOTE These tokens will be used in the 10 th , 11 th , and 12 th round. NOTE With only 2 players, return 12 Gang dice and 12 Gang tokens to the box. ➌ Distribute the Gang dice and remaining Gang tokens evenly amongst the players. Each player receives them as shown on the table below. You must place your Gang dice and Gang tokens behind your Screen to keep the amount secret during the game. ➍ Separate the Warning cards into two decks according to the color on the back and shuffle each deck. Remove 3 cards from each deck and return the 6 cards to the box without revealing them. Place the deck of cards with the bright back on the deck of cards with the dark back. NOTE Each die has 6 sides, 5 sides with different values (from 1 to 5), and 1 Boss side. is not a value. PLAYERS GANG DICE GANG TOKENS 2 12 12 3 12 12 4 9 9 AN EXAMPLE OF 3 PLAYER GAME SET UP ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ The game is played over up to 12 rounds. At the start of each round, reveal a new Warning card from the deck and place it face up in the middle. This warning from the boss shows the trigger combination players need to avoid during this round. The result of the player who offends the boss by triggering the card becomes invalid. Choose a start player for the first round. Then play clockwise until each player has played one turn. Each player’s turn consists of two steps as below. The combinations on the Explosive cards can be triggered after each individual roll. If your roll triggers the revealed Explosive card, your result becomes immediately invalid. The combinations on the Explosive cards can be triggered after each individual roll or reroll. The combinations on the Bomb cards can be triggered only at the end of 2nd step and irrespective if they occurred earlier. When you finished your second reroll, if your result triggers the revealed Bomb card, your result becomes invalid. The combinations on the Bomb cards can be triggered only at the end of your turn's 2nd step. When your result becomes invalid, you must place all the dice you used into the middle and end your turn. If you succeed in avoiding triggering the revealed card, leave your Gang dice showing your result displayed in front of your Screen and conclude your turn. Your result is calculated as the total of all the visible dice values ( is not a value). Every card has either a "Explosive" or a "Bomb" front side. The player who displays the highest result at the end of a round wins the round and all the Gang dice that were used during the round – these are the Gang dice in the middle, as well as the Gang dice displayed in front of the other players. If several players have the same highest Winning a Round NOTE When all your Gang dice and Gang tokens are exhausted, you are eliminated from the game. ➊ Decide how many dice you use When the turn comes to you during the round, first decide how many of your Gang dice you want to use. This decision cannot be changed during your turn. You must use at least one of your Gang dice. Each Gang token represents 3 Gang dice – these can be interchanged at any time. Roll the respective number of dice. After your first roll, you may pick up any number of your rolled dice and reroll them. Thereafter, you may once again pick up any number of your dice (even those which you left standing before) and reroll them once more. Then your result stands. ➋ Roll the dice and reroll up to two times 1 st reroll Your roll 2 nd reroll Playing the Game Triggering a Warning Card ➋ Tylor takes two Gang dice and rolls a 1 and a . He rerolls both Gang dice and produces a 5 and a 3. Too high! He keeps the 3 and rerolls the other Gang die. He produces a 4 and has an invalid result of 7. ➌ Eva, the last player in the round, takes three Gang dice and rolls a 4, a 1 and a . She concludes her turn. Her result is equal to the result of Marco, but she has used more dice than Marco. Eva wins the round and with it the two Gang dice of Marco and the two Gang dice of Tylor. ➍ The Explosive card which is newly revealed indicates that a roll with two consecutive values is instantly invalid. Eva starts the round. She takes 3 Gang dice and rolls a 5, a 3 and a 2. Invalid! ➎ Marco takes two Gang dice and rolls a 1 and a He rerolls both Gang dice and produces two 5s. He con - cludes his turn with a result of 10. ➏ Tylor does not expect to win this round. He sacrifices only a single Gang die and concludes his turn. ➐ Marco wins the round and with it the three Gang dice of Eva and the one Gang die of Tylor. ➊ The Bomb card indicates that any result of 7 or more is invalid at the end of the turn. Marco takes two Gang dice and rolls a 3 and a 1. He keeps the 3 and rerolls the other Gang die. He produces a 2 and now has a result of 5. He concluded his turn. Marco Eva Eva Tylor The Trigger Combinations Marco Tylor Example NOTE is not a value! More consecutive values are also invalid! NOTE is not a value! More equal values are also invalid! NOTE More odd values are also invalid! NOTE is not a value! More different values are also invalid! result, the tie is broken in favour of the player who used more Gang dice. If several players have the same high - est result with the same number of used Gang dice, then the player who established the result earlier wins the tie. (If all the players’ results have been invalid, all the used Gang dice remain in the middle for the next round. The winner of the next round will win these Gang dice.) The winner of the previous round becomes the start player of the new round. Discard the old card into the box and reveal a new card from the deck. 10 th , 11 th , and 12 th Round At the start of 10th round, add one of the 6 Gang tokens which were set aside into the middle. The winner of the round will win this token. At the start of 11th round, add 2 Gang tokens and at the start of 12th round, add the remaining 3 Gang tokens into the middle. Game End The game ends after 12 rounds when the deck is used up. Every player reveals their Gang dice and Gang tokens. The player with the most dice (1 token = 3 dice) wins. If there is a tie, the tied players become joint winners. The player whose Gang dice and Gang tokens are exhausted is eliminated from the game. If all the other players except one are eliminated before the 12th round, the remaining player wins immediately. The roll is invalid if the respective total is reached or exceeded. The roll is invalid if it contains any, respectively two, respectively three, odd values. The roll is invalid if it contains two, respectively three, con - secutive values. For example, 3, 4, and 5 are three consecutive values. The roll is invalid if it contains a pair of any two equal values. The roll is invalid if it contains two, respectively three, different values. The roll is invalid if it contains two or more 5s. The roll is invalid if it contains any one or more of the listed values.