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Daybreak raportit
#113809: "Identify the challenge more clearly at game start."
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Ehdotus: Mielestäni seuraava seikka parantaisi pelin toteutusta huomattavasti
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• Selitä ehdotuksesti tarkasti ja ytimekkäästi, jotta se on ymmärrettävissä niin helposti kuin mahdollista.
First, thank you for sharing this game. I progressed into challenge mode rather quickly though. One of the best parts of games on BGA is the interface, so it seems natural to discuss it when the interface could use a small improvement. Anyhow, it took me some time to discover that over the globe on the right side panel is the smallest of tags that gives your challenge information. It would be really nice if this showed temporarily as a card front & center at the start of the game so you had no question what challenge you were about to encounter. (Once I know it's there, it's easy to check, but would still be beneficial as a reminder.) It's also food for thought that if I was playing this game at home I would be able to choose the challenge for myself rather than be thrown into one. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though, as it does force me into a variety of situations, but if you did decide to implement it the other way, including this as a choice rather than simply "Increase Challenge" in the starter menu with an option for random could be nice.• Mikä on selaimesi?
Google Chrome v121
Raportin historia
7. helmi 2024 3:23 •
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Lisää tähän mitä tahansa, minkä katsot oleelliseksi tämän bugin toisintamiseksi tai ehdotuksesi ymmärtämiseksi:
- Toinen pöydän tunnus / siirron numero
- Ratkaisiko F5 ongelman?
- Ilmestyykö ongelma useita kertoja? Joka kerta? Satunnaisesti?
- Jos sinulla on kuvankaappaus tästä bugista, voit käyttää Imgur.com:a sen lähettämiseksi. Kopioi ja liitä linkki tähän.