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CATAN raportit
#143010: "Loading screen gets stuck at 10%, loading game art"
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Loading Game art (10%), bar gets stuck.
I am able to spectate the game if I log out of my account and my friends are able to load the table, but I cannot access the table using my account to take my turn.
• Mikä on selaimesi?
Google Chrome v130
Raportin historia
EDUST • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
23. loka 2024 18:06 • I have tried on phone, Chrome, Firefox, same interaction in all cases.
Eusebius Florestan • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
8. marras 2024 14:24 • I can't access table #585086429 because the game loading bar is stuck at 10%
daytwin • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
20. marras 2024 18:17 • Happening permanently on table 583682959
and it’s my turn so I can’t start any new games!!
and it’s my turn so I can’t start any new games!!
SvenOver • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
25. marras 2024 21:00 •
28. marras 2024 21:19 • boardgamearena.com/14/catan?table=592318984
F5 doesn't solve the problem.
I have never had this before.
F5 doesn't solve the problem.
I have never had this before.
Ejik3123 • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
3. joulu 2024 18:30 • Перезагрузка не помогла, переключение на английский язык тоже
igorfr • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
5. joulu 2024 18:33 • I have experienced this same issue in tables 578591124 and 587325434. I had to abandon the latter because of the problem.
I tried multiple browsers, different devices, and incognito mode. If am not logged in, I can always see the table, but as soon as I log in, the game stops loading.
I tried multiple browsers, different devices, and incognito mode. If am not logged in, I can always see the table, but as soon as I log in, the game stops loading.
igorfr • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
6. joulu 2024 4:10 • This seems to be the same bug as boardgamearena.com/bug?id=142764
banana_banana • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
12. joulu 2024 10:19 • I can't access game 599662921 for this reason. Gets stuck at 10% loading. It's my turn since yesterday, but I can't go.
Aarcher007 • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
8. tammi 2025 14:52 •
23. tammi 2025 18:48 •
28. tammi 2025 21:13 • It seems the common issue (at least for Catan) I'm reading is that this happens after completing a trade. I don't have a fix but I did come up with a workaround:
If you construct a URL for replaying a turn and manually insert this into a browser the game will replay the last set of turns and move to your action. General format: (ignore the asterisks)
I'm assuming the 14 above is likely a server ID and is not specifically relevant. What I did to come up with this was replay a turn from another catan game and then copy the URL, and insert the table ID of the game that was stuck. Hope this helps
If you construct a URL for replaying a turn and manually insert this into a browser the game will replay the last set of turns and move to your action. General format: (ignore the asterisks)
I'm assuming the 14 above is likely a server ID and is not specifically relevant. What I did to come up with this was replay a turn from another catan game and then copy the URL, and insert the table ID of the game that was stuck. Hope this helps
Gamba_red • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
28. tammi 2025 21:14 • am able to spectate the game if I log out of my account and my friends are able to load the table, but I cannot access the table using my account to take my turn.
PaniTatiana • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
2. helmi 2025 19:16 • I've experienced it on 2 different laptops (Chrome browser) and on iPhone (Safari).
People kicked me out of the game and after that I was able to join back.
Please revert the penalties that I've got.
People kicked me out of the game and after that I was able to join back.
Please revert the penalties that I've got.
Lisää jotain tähän raporttiin
Lisää tähän mitä tahansa, minkä katsot oleelliseksi tämän bugin toisintamiseksi tai ehdotuksesi ymmärtämiseksi:
- Toinen pöydän tunnus / siirron numero
- Ratkaisiko F5 ongelman?
- Ilmestyykö ongelma useita kertoja? Joka kerta? Satunnaisesti?
- Jos sinulla on kuvankaappaus tästä bugista, voit käyttää Imgur.com:a sen lähettämiseksi. Kopioi ja liitä linkki tähän.