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Forest Shuffle raportit
#150124: "(genuine) Cave glitch: only 1 card added to cave from clearing"
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When playing certain cards from base game or expansions, I have faced a 'cave glitch' where I was only allowed to add 1 card from clearing into my cave, despite the rule being *add 2 cards* from clearing into my cave. After selecting my first card from the clearing, my action gets interrupted and the turn incorrectly goes to the opponent. This cave glitch has happened to me with multiple cards (base or expansions) with similar effect. This one game I can recall shows this glitch at *move 130/131*, but does not necessarily only apply to this specific animal. I have definitely faced this cave glitch of only being able to add 1 card from clearing to cave, instead of 2, with other animals with a similar effect.• Onko sääntörikkomus nähtävillä pelin toistossa? Jos kyllä, mikä on siirron numero?
Yes. *Move 130/131* as I described in my above explanation.• Mikä on selaimesi?
Google Chrome v126
Raportin historia
phonetician • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
19. joulu 2024 11:46 • This problem happens every time an animal is played with an effect that asks the player to select 2 cards from clearing to be added to cave. Only 1 card ends up being added before the player turn gets interrupted before 2nd card can be chosen.
Also, the game move history calls the bird 'Gypaetus Barbatus' but the bird is called 'Bearded Vulture' on the actual card itself. This card belongs to the Alpine expansion set of cards.
This problem was replicated by an opponent in game #600850483, *move 69/70*. I can't remember which other animals have this same cave glitch, but I seem to recall this issue reproduced with base game cards and also Woodland Edge expansion cards, so long as the animal has an effect of choosing cards from the clearing to add into cave.
Also, the game move history calls the bird 'Gypaetus Barbatus' but the bird is called 'Bearded Vulture' on the actual card itself. This card belongs to the Alpine expansion set of cards.
This problem was replicated by an opponent in game #600850483, *move 69/70*. I can't remember which other animals have this same cave glitch, but I seem to recall this issue reproduced with base game cards and also Woodland Edge expansion cards, so long as the animal has an effect of choosing cards from the clearing to add into cave.
firgon • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
19. joulu 2024 18:14 • did you try selecting two cards instead of only one? I'm surprised if it doesn't work
phonetician • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
19. joulu 2024 20:35 • Did you read what I described? Selecting two cards is not possible.
phonetician • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
19. joulu 2024 20:38 • On top of the game interrupting my turn prematurely to give the turn to the opponent, I recall selecting two cards to not do anything or show a confirm button. The game interface demanded that I confirm 1 card first to send to the cave. But then, the game never prompts the player to select the second card.
phonetician • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
19. joulu 2024 20:40 • I have experienced or witnessed this issue multiple times with multiple animals (those that involve getting cards from clearing to be sent to cave), sometimes affecting me and other times affecting my opponent. This is definitely an issue that needs fixing.
However, I do not have the time to go through every single move history of all my games of the past weeks to identify all examples of the bug. It already took me quite a lot of time to find my 1 game example, and then another affecting my opponent in the first comment I added here.
However, I do not have the time to go through every single move history of all my games of the past weeks to identify all examples of the bug. It already took me quite a lot of time to find my 1 game example, and then another affecting my opponent in the first comment I added here.
firgon • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
20. joulu 2024 8:31 • i read, but you never wrote that you tried to select a second card. As it supposed to be, you should select two card and then confirm, if you confirm after having selected only one card, you will take only one card. I will investigate
firgon • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
20. joulu 2024 10:09 • ok i tried again, and i works exactly as expected, if you select only one card, you take one card, if you select two, you take two cards. I added a confirmation dialog if you are taking less cards than expected, i hope i will fix your problem.
Tell me.
Tell me.
phonetician • Kehittäjät pyytävät lisätietoja tämän bugin toistamiseen:
20. joulu 2024 16:11 • Ok that's strange. I don't know why I recall not being able to progress to next step when selecting 2 cards. And this issue also affected an opponent in another game as I described above, so it's not just me. The extra reminder to take more cards should be helpful. Thanks.
Lisää jotain tähän raporttiin
Lisää tähän mitä tahansa, minkä katsot oleelliseksi tämän bugin toisintamiseksi tai ehdotuksesi ymmärtämiseksi:
- Toinen pöydän tunnus / siirron numero
- Ratkaisiko F5 ongelman?
- Ilmestyykö ongelma useita kertoja? Joka kerta? Satunnaisesti?
- Jos sinulla on kuvankaappaus tästä bugista, voit käyttää Imgur.com:a sen lähettämiseksi. Kopioi ja liitä linkki tähän.