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#153782: "Space with Militia Should Revert to Home Faction's Control when No Enemy Units Remain"
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A British-controlled Cherokee Indian unit attacked Les Illinois and won the battle, but then it went to the Losses Box because of Indian Desertion. This left no units remaining in a space with Militia, so as I understand 2.1.2 ("Remove the control marker if the Home faction’s units or Militia solely occupies the space.") the control marker should've been removed, but the module didn't remove the British control marker.• Onko sääntörikkomus nähtävillä pelin toistossa? Jos kyllä, mikä on siirron numero?
Not sure, but it happened approximately AR 6• Mikä on selaimesi?
Google Chrome v132
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18. tammi 2025 23:58 •
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