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#154501: "Reloaded the page, lost my visual progress for my turn"
notabug: Tämä ei ole bugi
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I was away from BGA for a while, waiting on the other player to take their turn. I came back and reloaded the page and the cards I had available, the card I had played, and any indication of my turn are gone. I don't know if it will reset once the other player takes their turn. I closed the window and came back to the game to the same blank state.• Mikä on selaimesi?
Mozilla v5
Raportin historia
notyet • Ohjelmoijat eivät ole vielä löytäneet bugia:
24. tammi 2025 3:09 • I played my turn by selecting a card, placing it in the row, and selecting a card to discard. Then I ended my turn. I left for about 30-45 minutes, came back, and refreshed the page (ctrl+r) to see if anything had changed. That's when I got this state and closing the window and logging back in took me to the state state. imgur.com/a/SCgmx4h
jordijansen • Tämä ei ole bugi:
29. tammi 2025 8:48 • You propably didn't confirm your turn (all moves are kept local until you hit the confirm button. If you refresh or close the game before that you moves are lost).
notyet • Tämä ei ole bugi:
29. tammi 2025 22:35 • I confirmed my turn and was waiting for the other player to finish theirs. Thankfully when the other player finished their part of the turn, everything came back. Perhaps because a single turn requires both players to confirm, if 1 player refreshes the page or leaves and returns after confirming their part, the game doesn't know how to put things back visually even though it has the turn stored for when the full step is completed. I'll see if I can recreate it.
Lisää jotain tähän raporttiin
Lisää tähän mitä tahansa, minkä katsot oleelliseksi tämän bugin toisintamiseksi tai ehdotuksesi ymmärtämiseksi:
- Toinen pöydän tunnus / siirron numero
- Ratkaisiko F5 ongelman?
- Ilmestyykö ongelma useita kertoja? Joka kerta? Satunnaisesti?
- Jos sinulla on kuvankaappaus tästä bugista, voit käyttää Imgur.com:a sen lähettämiseksi. Kopioi ja liitä linkki tähän.