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Memoir '44 raportit
#63499: "Click on a hex to display hexes in sight from this hex, according to ground restriction"
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Ehdotus: Mielestäni seuraava seikka parantaisi pelin toteutusta huomattavasti
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Hi and thank you for this great adaptation.
I really enjoy playing it, and I hope you'll be in Beta soon.
Your game is already great and now it is one my favorite, if I may ask for a bonus 😎
It would be great if we can click on a hex to display hexes in sight from this hex, according to ground restriction (up to 3 hex distance max).
best regards,
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Mozilla v5
Raportin historia
25. huhti 2022 18:27 •
diamant • Kehittäjät eivät ole vielä tutkineet tätä ehdotusta:
25. huhti 2022 21:20 • I support this proposal, except that I see no reason to limit the distance to 3 hexagons, especially since there are types of units that fire at higher distances and need a line of sight on their target.
dave heberer • Kehittäjät eivät ole vielä tutkineet tätä ehdotusta:
18. touko 2022 19:27 • I also would like this, maybe a way for me to click on a target hex and it lights up the hex that is blocking line of sight as well. There have been 2 or 3 times where I don't understand why line of sight is blocked, but the unit doesn't light up for attack after being ordered and it should have LOS on a space. They are in the open too, so it's not that they moved into a space preventing battle.
waltero • Kehittäjät eivät ole vielä tutkineet tätä ehdotusta:
15. kesä 2022 17:06 • This would be most useful when having - Manual placement of units...defender should have such a bonus.
I don't think it should be a given.
I'll leave it to somebody else to post suggestion - Manual placement of units...although I think BGA is a long way off before either suggestion will ever be implemented.
I don't think it should be a given.
I'll leave it to somebody else to post suggestion - Manual placement of units...although I think BGA is a long way off before either suggestion will ever be implemented.
Tisaac • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
15. kesä 2022 17:33 • @waltero sorry i dont understand what you are saying at all. What is "manual placing of unit" ?
waltero • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
16. kesä 2022 8:43 • What is "manual placing of unit" ?
Sorry, I should have worded it better.
When you enter any given Scenario, units are already fixed. This game doesn't allow players to place their combat units in Hexes of their choosing.
As far as bdk's Suggestion, I agree. But I don't think LOS (line of sight) should be available for both combatants nor available to all Scenarios. Just to Scenarios that have an obvious Defender and aggressor - this LOS bonus should only be given to the defenders in Defense Scenarios...Hometown advantage. Why should an invading Army have the same advantage as the occupying force (defenders)? Meaning; only the occupying force should have this special ability (advantage). It might not be much of an advantage now. As this game evolves it might be a heck of an advantage...might prove useful in decision-making (when manually placing your units on the game board). I can't think of any, other than Snipers.
I'm thinking about the future of M44. I hope to see manual unit placement...if this ever comes about, then LOS could be implemented into the building of Scenarios/game...LOS shouldn't be a given.
Either way, I'd like to see this. I can't imagine it being easy to program
Sorry, I should have worded it better.
When you enter any given Scenario, units are already fixed. This game doesn't allow players to place their combat units in Hexes of their choosing.
As far as bdk's Suggestion, I agree. But I don't think LOS (line of sight) should be available for both combatants nor available to all Scenarios. Just to Scenarios that have an obvious Defender and aggressor - this LOS bonus should only be given to the defenders in Defense Scenarios...Hometown advantage. Why should an invading Army have the same advantage as the occupying force (defenders)? Meaning; only the occupying force should have this special ability (advantage). It might not be much of an advantage now. As this game evolves it might be a heck of an advantage...might prove useful in decision-making (when manually placing your units on the game board). I can't think of any, other than Snipers.
I'm thinking about the future of M44. I hope to see manual unit placement...if this ever comes about, then LOS could be implemented into the building of Scenarios/game...LOS shouldn't be a given.
Either way, I'd like to see this. I can't imagine it being easy to program
Tisaac • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
16. kesä 2022 8:57 • @waltero : why would we add a manual placing of unit if that's not in the game ?
waltero • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
16. kesä 2022 20:52 • Oh, I don't know...because it would be fun? If Somebody wants to create a Scenario that has Manual unit placement...why not? It doesn't have to be "in the game"...more of an "in the Scenario," thing.
Why would this not be a thing?
Why would this not be a thing?
EpicDim • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
28. marras 2022 22:53 • I think when moving a unit onto the dark green to be able to hover over the hex and highlight the enemy units that can be attacked and show how many dice (during the move phase). I frequently find that I can't attack because the modifiers knock down to 0 dice who I wanted to attack or down to one when I had a better option somewhere else.
Right now you can move there and then click to attack and then realize you can't do what you want so restart everything. Just being able to see that during the move phase before moving would be great.
Right now you can move there and then click to attack and then realize you can't do what you want so restart everything. Just being able to see that during the move phase before moving would be great.
DDB73 • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
14. kesä 2023 19:43 • @Tisaac :
In the 2015 Belgium Open there was a scenario where a player could place 9 units on 13 possible positions after he/she had seen his/her cards. Something like a paradrop.
In a Dutch Open (2019 ? I should look it up) there was a scenario with reinforcements that could be placed in a certain number of hexes after certain conditions were fulfilled.
2 examples of "manual placing a unit"
In some scenario's a player may choose a type of SWA. That too could be a "manual placing a unit".
Thanks for al the work you put in our favorite game.
In the 2015 Belgium Open there was a scenario where a player could place 9 units on 13 possible positions after he/she had seen his/her cards. Something like a paradrop.
In a Dutch Open (2019 ? I should look it up) there was a scenario with reinforcements that could be placed in a certain number of hexes after certain conditions were fulfilled.
2 examples of "manual placing a unit"
In some scenario's a player may choose a type of SWA. That too could be a "manual placing a unit".
Thanks for al the work you put in our favorite game.
DDB73 • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
14. kesä 2023 19:45 • Oh, and I forgot the official "armour breakthrough" rule (Actions 22). That too is a "manual placing a unit" since you may choose the hex where the unit is entering the board.
Hulb • Kehittäjät tahtoisivat lisätietoa tästä ehdotuksesta:
16. heinä 2023 19:13 • I think this log has drifted off to another point, the original point wasn't anything to do with placing units at the start, but a way to see what a unit can see during the game, which I also think would be really good, it's not cheating or giving anyone an advantage, it just means when you go to pick what card to play, you can click on units beforehand to see what they can shoot if they stay where they are vs what they're just out of reach of, very useful when deciding what card to play
Right now, you sort of just have to play your card and either guess or be very analytical of the board-state, then find out after you pick your card whether the highlight does what you thought it would (especially if you're new to the game and don't understand every unit's capabilities)
I don't think the highlight should be permanent, but just give you the option to click units during card selection phase to see what they are capable of at that point
This isn't even a new feature, it's what you get during activation phase, just requested to be moved into card selection phase also
Right now, you sort of just have to play your card and either guess or be very analytical of the board-state, then find out after you pick your card whether the highlight does what you thought it would (especially if you're new to the game and don't understand every unit's capabilities)
I don't think the highlight should be permanent, but just give you the option to click units during card selection phase to see what they are capable of at that point
This isn't even a new feature, it's what you get during activation phase, just requested to be moved into card selection phase also
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