Spirits of the Forest
Kerran ajassa, myyttinen tuuli nostaa verhoa meidän ja henkien maailmojen välillä. Oikukkaat serafit, joita muinaisen metsän voima kutsuu, laskeutuvat pilvien läpi pelatakseen kerran vuosisadassa toistuvaa peliä.
Olet yksi serafeista - suuren voiman ja uteliaisuuden olento. Metsän elämä kiinnostaa sinua, ja keräät innokkaasti kasveja, eläimiä ja henkiä kokoelmaasi. Mutta varo, et ole yksin. Muut sinunkaltaisesi olennot kilpailevat metsän elämän keräilystä myös!
Pelaajien lukumäärä: 2 - 4
Pelin kesto: 12 mn
Monimutkaisuus: 2 / 5
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Pelaa Spirits of the Forest ja 960 muuta peliä netissä.
Latausta ei tarvita - pelaa suoraan selaimellasi.
Ystäviesi ja tuhansien pelaajien kanssa ympäri maailmaa.
The aim is to gain the most majorities across the different Spirit & Power Source types, whilst ensuring you have at least 1 of everything
On your turn, you can take a card from either of the far ends of the display situated on any row
If you take a card with two spirit symbols on it, that is all you can take
If you take a card with a single spirit symbol on it (whether or not it has a power source symbol on it), you may take a second card which has a single matching spirit symbol (this card may have been made accessible by taking the first, or from a different row)
If a card you took had a token on it, gain this token and see what it is privately (these can either give an additional symbol for scoring, or the gemstone ones can return a gemstone to you at a later opportunity by discarding it)
After the taken card(s) have been resolved, you may place a gemstone out on a card in the display. This theoretically reserves the card for you, however another player can banish one of their own gemstones to steal it from you
For each Spirit, whoever has the most spirit symbols on cards and now revealed tokens, gains points equal to the quantity that they have. e.g. player A has 6 Green Spirits and 2 Red Spirits, player B has 4 Green Spirits and 7 Red Spirits, player A gains 6 points for Green Spirits and player B gains 7 points for Red spirits.
If Spirit quantity is tied, tied players get the same points
If a player has no cards of a particular spirit, they lose 3 points (tokens don't count, just cards)
Power Sources (Fire/Moon/Sun) are scored in the same way as Spirits described above, including negative points for failing to have 1 of each
This then provides final scoring, if there's a tie, the player with the least total cards wins