TheGoldenPig delivers a customer card : Vanhin 1
TheGoldenPig sets their die to
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
The building row is refilled from the building board
LeLuc gets 2 influence in region #3
and reaches
raymonkey heittää nopan ja saa
End of raymonkey turn
03:01 PM
Checking owner rewards...
Checking visitor rewards...
raymonkey sails and moves a
ship to river space #8
03:00 PM
TheGoldenPig heittää nopan ja saa
The building row is refilled from the building board
TheGoldenPig discards a customer card
01:57 PM
TheGoldenPig sai uuden asiakaskortin
Checking owner rewards...
TheGoldenPig receives a bonus decision
Checking visitor rewards...
The last tile of the building row is discarded :
TheGoldenPig receives a bonus decision
TheGoldenPig ship completed its journey by reaching the end of the river
TheGoldenPig sails and moves a
ship to river space #4
TheGoldenPig sets their die to
TheGoldenPig kumoaa toimintonsa
01:56 PM
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
LeLuc discards a customer card
LeLuc sai uuden asiakaskortin
LeLuc sai uuden asiakaskortin
LeLuc decides to refill their hand now
LeLuc delivers a customer card : Vanhin 6
12:53 PM
raymonkey heittää nopan ja saa
The building row is refilled from the building board
End of raymonkey turn
04:38 AM
raymonkey gets 3 influence in region #2
and reaches
raymonkey sets their die to
raymonkey nollaa vuoronsa
04:37 AM
raymonkey nollaa vuoronsa
04:36 AM
raymonkey nollaa vuoronsa
04:35 AM
TheGoldenPig heittää nopan ja saa
The building row is refilled from the building board
End of TheGoldenPig turn
04:02 AM
TheGoldenPig gets 4 influence in region #6
and reaches
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
The building row is refilled from the building board
Checking owner rewards...
LeLuc gets 2 influence in region #1
and reaches
Checking visitor rewards...
The last tile of the building row is discarded :
LeLuc receives a bonus decision
LeLuc ship completed its journey by reaching the end of the river
LeLuc sails and moves a
ship to river space #2
12:22 AM
raymonkey heittää nopan ja saa
raymonkey sai uuden asiakaskortin
raymonkey sai uuden asiakaskortin
raymonkey places a ship on the river (at space #10)
raymonkey heittää nopan ja saa
raymonkey places a ship on the river (at space #6)
raymonkey heittää nopan ja saa
raymonkey places their clan markers
TheGoldenPig heittää nopan ja saa
TheGoldenPig sai uuden asiakaskortin
TheGoldenPig sai uuden asiakaskortin
TheGoldenPig places a ship on the river (at space #12)
TheGoldenPig heittää nopan ja saa
TheGoldenPig places a ship on the river (at space #3)
TheGoldenPig heittää nopan ja saa
TheGoldenPig places their clan markers
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
LeLuc sai uuden asiakaskortin
LeLuc sai uuden asiakaskortin
LeLuc places a ship on the river (at space #10)
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
LeLuc places a ship on the river (at space #3)
LeLuc heittää nopan ja saa
LeLuc places their clan markers
raymonkey värit on valittu heidän toiveidensa mukaan.
Muuta asetuksia.3/15/2025 12:20 AM
Jos pelaaja ei pelaa, odota että hänen miettimisaikansa loppuu ja sen jälkeen potkaise hänet pois pelistä.