Takaisin kotisivulle
Ladataan pelin kuvitusta (10%)
Pöytä #648591466
Siirto #22
Eteneminen 75%


Näytä pelilokit


Use asymmetric player powers
Tämä peli on päivitetty pelin alkamisen jälkeen: sen takia uusinta on KOKEELLINEN.



0 -16163722 eur Visitor-161


Näytä pelilokit


Use asymmetric player powers

Huomaa: 3D-tila on kokeellinen

Olet tämän pelin katsoja
2 päivää
Näytä kursori
2 päivää
Näytä kursori

Tämä on ensimmäinen pelini, joten aikani on kaksinkertaistettu
Kiitos avusta!

Katsojat: Visitor-16163722
Toph gains 9 food for an area of size 5
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 3 spaces
Toph pays 2 food
10:31 AM
Damssss4 gains 2 food for an area of size 2
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 2 spaces
Damssss4 pays 4 food
10:27 AM
Toph gains 2 food for an area of size 2
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 4 spaces
Toph pays 1 food
08:20 AM
Damssss4 gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 4 spaces
Damssss4 gains 3 from mine bonus
Damssss4 pays 3 food
3/28/2025 08:12 AM
Toph gains 2 food for an area of size 2
Toph gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 4 spaces
Toph pays 1 food
05:57 PM
Damssss4 gains 2 food for an area of size 2
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 4 spaces
Damssss4 pays 3 food
3/27/2025 08:40 AM
Toph gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 4 spaces
Toph pays 1 food
05:33 PM
Damssss4 gains 2 food for an area of size 2
Damssss4 gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 4 spaces
Damssss4 pays 1 food
01:04 PM
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 3 spaces
Toph gains 2 from mine bonus
Toph pays 3 food
11:47 AM
Damssss4 gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 3 spaces
Damssss4 pays 2 food
3/26/2025 07:30 AM
Toph gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 2 spaces
Toph pays 4 food
05:18 PM
Damssss4 gains 3 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 3 spaces
Damssss4 pays 2 food
02:46 PM
Toph gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 4 spaces
Toph pays 0 food
11:53 AM
Damssss4 gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 3 spaces
Damssss4 pays 2 food
09:50 AM
Toph gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 2 spaces
Toph gains 2 from mine bonus
Toph pays 5 food
09:34 AM
Damssss4 gains 1 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 4 spaces
Damssss4 pays 1 food
Damssss4 gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 pays 8 food
3/25/2025 07:27 AM
Toph gains 3 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 3 spaces
Toph pays 2 food
04:39 PM
Toph gains 2 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph pays 6 food
04:38 PM
Damssss4 gains 3 food from their pyramid base
Damssss4 places a tile to their pyramid
Damssss4 moves 4 spaces
Damssss4 pays 1 food
01:03 PM
Toph gains 3 food from their pyramid base
Toph places a tile to their pyramid
Toph moves 4 spaces
Toph pays 1 food
3/24/2025 11:57 AM
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