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Aikaisemmin Gamme Logic #644099415 ... ([Jätä väliin viimeisimpien siirtojen uudelleenpeluu])


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daily challenge
Tämä peli on päivitetty pelin alkamisen jälkeen: sen takia uusinta on KOKEELLINEN.
Päivittäinen haaste 14/03/25
Actual champion: dixonticonderoga 7.513 sec (Average time spent)View the leaderboard
Päivittäinen haaste TODAY champion : Mac18 9.707 sec (Average time spent)
Top 50%



0 -135184716 eur Visitor-135

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Use clues to solve logic puzzles, when you think you have the answer submit to see if you were correct

Note: In Bird & Jungle each creature is in a single space, whilst in Hotel creatures can share spaces


If you're playing solo, your score is based on the time it takes you to solve the puzzles. The lower the time, the better the score.

In multiplayer, for each puzzle, players are ranked by the time it takes them to solve it. The player who finishes first earns points equal to the number of players. The second player earns one point less than the first, and so on. Additionally, the first player receives a bonus amount of points. This bonus is displayed to the left of the puzzle list.

Daily Challenge

Each day, 5 random puzzles in normal difficulty mode are selected. All the results are displayed in a global leaderboard.

Be careful, you can play the daily challenge multiple times, but be sure to finish your first daily challenge game before starting another; otherwise, your ranking will not be valid. To be valid, each puzzle you play must not have been seen by you in the same daily challenge with the same BGA account.

Interface tips

To help you keep track of the clues you still need to process, you can click on a clue to gray it out. You can also click on locations to gray them out. If you double-click on a character you have placed, it will be locked. Double-click again to unlock it. You can also send a character to a location and lock it automatically by double-clicking on the location where you want to place your character.

When you click the 'reset' button, locked characters remain in place. Click the 'reset' button a second time to bring all characters back.

Additional statistics

Each time a player finishes a puzzle, they can see a statistic that has no impact on the score. This statistic compares the player’s time to all previously recorded results. For example, Top 1% means that the player ranks within the top 1% of the best times. The possible values are: Top 1%, Top 5%, Top 10%, Top 25%, and Top 50%. If nothing is displayed, the player's result is below the top 50%.

Bird Clues

There are 7 clues

Green arrow above bird - it is in this spot

Red arrow above bird with Cross out - it is not in this spot

Green heart between two birds - these two birds are next to one another

Red Broken Heart between two birds - these two birds are not next to one another

Green arrows between birds - these birds are relatively left and right of one another

Green arrows with line on the outsides of a bird - this bird is at one of the edge locations

Red arrows with line on the outsides of a bird - this bird is not at one of the edge locations

Jungle Clues

There are 12 clues

Orthogonal Crossroad Arrows - These two animals touch on an edge

Diagonal Crossroad Arrows - These two animals touch on a corner

Side Arrows with Paperclip - These two animals are directly adjacent on the left/right

Up/Down Arrows with Paperclip - These two animals are directly adjacent on the up/down

Up/Down Arrows with Dotted Lines - One animal is on a higher level than the other

Small Circle - The animal is in this square

Large Circle - The animal is in one of these squares

Terrain - The animal is in a space of this environment

Circle with Number in it Points to Spaces - A certain number of animals are in this area

Circle with Number in it with Terrain Background - A certain number of animals are on spaces of this environment

Circle with Red Cross with Terrain Background - No animals are in this environment

One of the above with an underlay of a Red cross in Red Box - The animal is not [insert clue shown]

Hotel Clues

There are 10 clues

Background with Monster - This monster is in this area

Background with Red Cross - No Monster is in this area

Background with Circles - The number of circles is the number of monsters in this area

Background with Monster and Red Cross - This monster is not in this area

No Background with Monster - Monster is alone

Background with Monster and Circles - Monster is with number of circles of other monsters (e.g. monster with 2 circles, is monster + 2 other monsters)

Two Monsters separated by Solid line - One monster is directly above/below the other

Two Monsters separated by Dashed line - One monster is above/below the other, but not necessarily adjacent

Two monsters with Solid Lines above and below - These monsters are on the same floor

Two Monsters with Solid Lines above and below and a Red Cross - These monsters are not of the same floor

Takaisin peliin

Huomaa: 3D-tila on kokeellinen

Olet tämän pelin katsoja
89 päivää
Näytä kursori
Katsojat: Visitor-135184716
Peli päättyi (voitto)
Kaikki pulmat ratkaistu.
Halfwitwanderer puzzle 5 time : 36.674s.
Halfwitwanderer finish the puzzle 5 / 0.
Halfwitwanderer start the puzzle 5 / 0.
Next puzzle launched.
Halfwitwanderer puzzle 4 time : 46.763s.
Halfwitwanderer finish the puzzle 4 / 0.
01:58 AM
Halfwitwanderer start the puzzle 4 / 0.
Next puzzle launched.
Halfwitwanderer puzzle 3 time : 35.199s.
Halfwitwanderer finish the puzzle 3 / 0.
01:57 AM
Halfwitwanderer start the puzzle 3 / 0.
Next puzzle launched.
Halfwitwanderer puzzle 2 time : 62.271s.
Halfwitwanderer finish the puzzle 2 / 0.
01:56 AM
Halfwitwanderer start the puzzle 2 / 0.
Next puzzle launched.
Halfwitwanderer puzzle 1 time : 173.887s.
Halfwitwanderer finish the puzzle 1 / 0.
01:55 AM
Halfwitwanderer start the puzzle 1 / 0.
Päivittäinen haaste 438.
3/15/2025 01:52 AM
Löysitkö bugin? Raportoi se BGA:n bugiraportointijärjestelmään kuvauksen ja mahdollisesti kuvankaappauksen kera. Kiitos.